• 關於百思



1. 參賽者個人資料 Competitor Information

2. 參賽資料 Competitor Information

推廣優惠: 經本機構代報名,9月30日前並報讀朗誦課程滿港幣1,200元或以上,代報名費用即可享$180回贈
第一項參賽項目 1st item
第二項參賽項目 2nd item
第三項參賽項目 3rd item
報名須知 Application Information: :
  1. 請家長在遞交第76屆朗誦節代報名表前,確認填寫的資料準確無誤。 Please ensure all information provided in the 76th Speech Festival application form is accurate before submission.
  2. 本機構所收取的第76屆朗誦節代報名費用,只包括代遞交第76屆朗誦節報名表、發送參賽通知文件及領取獎狀服務。 The application fee collected by BESTIE SPEAK for the 76th Speech Festival only covers the following services: Submitting the 76th Speech Festival application form on your behalf, sending competition notification documents and collecting the certificate.
  3. 代報名費用並不包括日後更改任何比賽資料之手續費、或要求郵寄任何文件。 The application fee does NOT include handling fees for any subsequent changes to competition information or postage fees for mailing any documents.
  4. 所有費用一經繳付,不論任何原因(如朗誦協會宣佈取消比賽、教育局宣佈停課、違反比賽章程、私人理由、染病、學校活動等),一律不獲退還。 All fees are non-refundable once paid, regardless of the reason (e.g., cancellation of the competition by the Speech Festival Association, class suspension announced by the Education Bureau, violation of competition rules, personal reasons, illness, school activities, etc.).